Monthly Archives: April 2019

Water is up

By | 2021-02-01T11:18:33-05:00 April 22nd, 2019|News|

Spring has definitely sprung.  The water has come up almost a foot since Saturday and the rivers are moving fast.  Spending a few days cleaning up around the property and deciding the layout for our new shop.  Exciting stuff!  A new shop has been a long time coming.  Next week is the start of our

Spring is coming fast

By | 2021-02-01T11:18:24-05:00 April 1st, 2019|News|

The snow is melting and as usual we are racing to get our ice dependent jobs completed.  It's been long, busy, snowy winter and we are looking forward to the warmer temps and the end of the white stuff. This is what we are working on this week - drilling piles into bedrock in about